Streamlined Payment Options Now Available Online

Affinity Health Services Inc. has made paying your bill even easier with a web-based, highly secure option. We have extended this technology to our partner entities as well.

The payment option is very user-friendly and easy to manage. A dollar sign logo placed in the upper right of the website navigation field serves as the first step. From there, the payer is redirected to a landing page and links moves to a secure payment portal operated and hosted by

The website provides a safe, fast, timely and environmentally friendly means of payment that makes for quicker, paperless transactions. The portal is extremely secure with additional encryption and a personalized log-in verification method.

“We are confident this will make a positive difference in fee collections and create a smooth payment operation,” says Affinity’s Vice President of Operational Finance Garet Weston.

“This is a secure method that takes precautions in an ever-changing cyber world. We thank our vendors and partners for their continued affiliation with Affinity Health Services. Please know we are always taking measures to ensure security.”

Payment options include credit/debit card or ACH.

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