In this commemorative anniversary issue:
Affinity turns 25! Affinity Health Services commemorates its 25th year by continuing to provide the customized consulting and management services that has solidified the company for a quarter century. Read more >
Check out these stories that tell of Affinity’s history and its preparation for the future:
Q and A with the CEO: Affinity Health Services Inc. is a 25-year mainstay in serving senior living communities as a management and consulting partner. Co-founder, President and CEO Denise McQuown-Hatter was there for the launch and continues to oversee the operations a quarter-century later. Read more >
New lines of business offerings: As an experienced management and consulting partner, Affinity now provides for Human Resources advisory and consulting as well as Senior Living Developer and Lending Services.
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Rebecca Young joins Affinity: Rebecca Young, a human resources professional with more than 20 years of experience in operations, leadership, administration and general HR functions, has joined Affinity Health Services as Vice President of Human Resources. Read more >
Mock surveys help in preparation for PC inspections: Understanding the regulations, inspection procedures, and primary benefit (intent) of each regulation is necessary to help to ensure regulatory compliance and positive survey outcomes. Read more >
Vaccinations remain best defense: We are now in a place where we can effectively eradicate COVID-19, which continues to leave our most vulnerable population at risk. The only way to prevent this is to eliminate the community spread of COVID. The only way to achieve this is through vaccination.
Read more and watch the video blog >
Staff achievements: Several Affinity staff members earned acknowledgements and certifications in the past few months, specifically Vice President of Clinical Services Angela Huffman, Vice President of Clinical Reimbursement Tammy Coleman and Executive Vice President of Consulting and Business Development Candace McMullen. (Click their names to read more).
Read past issues of Affinity Advantage: